3 mars 2011

Le jeudi, c’est citation!

His own stomach could bear nothing rich, and he could never believe other people to be different from himself. What was unwholesome to him, he regarded as unfit for any body ; and he had, therefore, earnestly tried to dissuade them from having any wedding-cake at all, and when that proved vain, as earnestly tried to prevent any body’s eating it. (…) With such an opinion, in confirmation of his own, Mr Woodhouse hoped to influence every visitor of the new-married pair ; but still the cake was eaten ; and there was no rest for his benevolent nerves till it was all gone.

Emma – Jane Austen (pp.15-16)


jeudi citation

6 commentaires:

  1. ??? Emma a été mon premier Austen

  2. Pourquoi des points d'interrogation? o_O

  3. monolingue...picard-occitan, je me suis fait tradiure par un amoureuse de Austen et j'apprécie. merci

  4. Merci à vous (et à Claudia) et bienvenue dans mon Cannelier :)

  5. Et oui,tu as deviné,l'amoureuse de Austen, c'est moi!

  6. Claudia > hé oui! ;) D'ailleurs en ce moment je lis "Emma"!


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